Kreator – Phantom Antichrist – CD Review


Phantom Antichrist
Nuclear Blast/Riot! Entertainment
Release date: Out now
Review by Mark Grimshaw

It’s amusing to think that it’s the old warhorses, like KREATOR who continue to be the ones to really deliver good music, showing the ‘young un’s’ how it should be done. It could also be said that KREATOR is much like a good wine, in that they get better as they age. Thirteenth album, ‘Phantom Antichrist’, is certainly no exception.

The self-titled album track is a well chosen opener, blasting away with an almost incomprehensible speed, and reading to rip off the skin on your face, it’s a return to the type of thrash that this German band are most loved for. Second track, ‘Death To The World’, provides no reprieve, whilst ‘From Flood Into Fire’ is a more melodic break. ‘Civilization Collapse’ introduces itself with some bombastic tom toms before an acoustic turn starts off ‘United In Hate’, launching into another dose of thrashtastic riffling and rip shredding solos.

This year has been a great one for classic thrash albums, from OVERKILL and EXUMER, through to TESTAMENT, and now KREATOR.  Sure, there’s some great young bands offering to take up the baton, but at the end of the day, almost none of them can overpass their forebears. KREATOR themselves have gone far enough to want to veer off their chosen (left hand) path, and let’s face it – those 90’s albums were not that bad, but thankfully, after their dabble with experimentation, have now come full circle, doing what they do best.

It’s almost insulting that these German legends have taken almost thirty years to find success, but damn it if we don’t get at least another thirty more years from them. Make this your next purchase and be reminded of what thrash music should really sound like.

8 stars


Riot! Entertainment

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